Beauty is done ethically


Being a company does not only mean taking into account the financial and economic aspects related to management, but also the environment and the social context in which the company is inserted.


Desde o primeiro dia da COSMENATURA que os nossos parceiros estão no coração de tudo o que fazemos.
A nossa responsabilidade é proteger a nossa indústria apoiando a nossa família: os salões e cabeleireiros, verdadeiros heróis na linha da frente da beleza.
Queremos manter a beleza profissional onde ela pertence, estamos aqui para dizer a todo o mundo #ApoiaOTeuSalão.

Clica para veres o vídeo da Campanha #ApoiaOTeuSalão

When you choose John Paul Mitchell Systems®, you get more than just high-performance products.
You are helping a brand that believes in giving back.

Over the years, John Paul Mitchell Systems® and Paul Mitchell Schools have donated millions of dollars to hundreds of philanthropic causes, from environmental protection to institutions for children in need and human rights. But we don't just hand over our checkbook – we mobilize the entire John Paul Mitchell Systems® community to get involved and help. So you are part of a culture that is helping to change the world, one good deed at a time.


LISAP MILANO believes in an ideal of beauty that is expressed through our actions in the world we live in. Between October and November, the participating LISAP MILANO salons help by welcoming thousands of people into their spaces and raising awareness of oncological issues. We want to be really helpful, not trying to solve a problem, but making our small contribution. LA FORZA E IL SORRISO ONLUS, is the only social responsibility project that involves the entire cosmetic industry. Women have always been true to our industry, now is the time to repay your love.


Acreditamos num futuro melhor para o nosso planeta, por isso a equipa da LISAP MILANO participou em Milão na Run For The Oceans. De Los Angeles a Nova York, passando por Londres, Berlim, Xangai, Milão e Paris, em apoio à ONG Parley for the Oceans, cada quilómetro percorrido e registado com a aplicação Runtastic transforma-se num dólar americano, que a ONG Parley for Oceans usa para desenvolver actividades de formação e sensibilização das novas gerações sobre a importância de salvar o planeta da poluição plástica.